Kung Hei Fat Choy | 恭喜發財
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Kung Hei Fat Choy! Today is the first day of Year of the Pig 2019. In Chinese community, you will see people saying Kung Hei Fat Choy to each other, wishing wealth to each other. Apart from wishing wealth, people would also wish health, peace, beauty, etc.

恭喜發財! 今天是 2019 年豬年的第一天, 即年初一。春節期間,中國人見面都會向對方說祝賀詞,最常說的是恭喜發財,祝願對方發大財。除了財富,還是祝願對方健康, 平安, 和美麗。

These wishes usually come in 4 Chinese characters.

這些祝賀詞多數由 4 個字組成。

恭喜發財 – wishing wealth

身體健康 – wishing health

出入平安 – wishing peace

青春常駐 – wishing beauty



Born in Hong Kong and speaks native Hong Kong Cantonese, I teach young children in North America the Cantonese language and how to write traditional Chinese Characters. When you learn a language, you learn to listen, speak, read, and write, you also learn about the culture and history associated with it.