Rice | 米飯

In English, rice refers to both cooked and uncooked rice.

在英文中,未煮的米和煮了的米稱呼都一樣,叫 rice。

In Cantonese, cooked and uncooked rice have different names.


Uncooked rice is 米 /mai/. Cooked rice is 飯 /fan/。

未煮的叫米/mai/。煮了的叫飯 /fan/。

米 /mai/
飯 /fan/


Born in Hong Kong and speaks native Hong Kong Cantonese, I teach young children in North America the Cantonese language and how to write traditional Chinese Characters. When you learn a language, you learn to listen, speak, read, and write, you also learn about the culture and history associated with it.